Skill-Adjacent Income Ideas for Actors

Skill-Adjacent Income Ideas for Actors

Skill-Adjacent Income Ideas for Actors 

Even though the entertainment industry is working hard on adjusting to the health requirements of a pandemic, we are still seeing so many actors out of work.  Now, more than ever, is it important for performers to utilize their creative capabilities in new ways to build income generating opportunities for themselves. Skill-Adjacent Income Ideas for Actors

There have always been locally driven opportunities to make money from your entertainment skillset in your community— and it doesn’t even have to be an actor gig– just skill adjacent.

As a performer, you have cultivated MANY skillsets in both arenas of creativity and interpersonal relationships.  Don’t underestimate YOUR VALUE when using these secondary skills out in the world.

Here are some examples of services you can offer for extra income at this time using your actor skillset– but don’t limit yourself to these ones!  Use them as a jumping off point for your own ideas during this time!

Authenticity Help for A Sales Team  

Did you know that many sales organizations use scripts?  There are many teams out there with their lines, improv-ing when necessary.  As a performer, maybe you could help them adjust their scripts to their audience, bring more authenticity to individual presentations and show how salespersons can employ “intention”  and “actions” to be more riveting in their performances.. I mean, sales pitches!

Social Media Video Consultant

Everyone has local neighborhood brands they love.  Is your brand doing a good job educating the public about their product and generating excitement?  Do you have commercial training that can help them fine tune their language and messaging?  Maybe you would be willing to self-produce a few videos or a podcast on your own for their page (and for an appropriate fee!)?  How can you partner with local businesses you love so you both can reach new goals?

Online Storyteller

Schools, non-profits and families are looking for safe new ways to engage kids right now. If you are a tremendous story-teller (especially one that can improvise) maybe you can connect with schools, YMCA’s or even local families as a new service to engage kids in stories that have a goal or an impact point.  Can you creatively teach about bullying thru a story?  About kindness?  About Math?  Can you do a Q&A as a famous literary character for a local school?  Can you adapt a story to your exact audience so a group feels like the whole thing was just for them?  How can you use your story-telling skills to support local individuals who are struggling to find fun new ways for their kids to learn right

I hope these ideas got you thinking about how you can use your years of experience to bring in additional income at this time.  You are valuable… and so is what you bring to the world. Think about your skills outside of the confinements of plays and tv shows and enjoy what doors may open up for you.

Hopefully this gave you inspiration around skill-adjacent income ideas for actors . Be sure to check out our online acting classes, intensives, and special events

Photo Kindly by Randy Fath on Unsplash.

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