Why Being Yourself Will Land You the Role By Marci Phillips

Everyone on the planet has a very distinct personality. An actor may be defined as someone who observes and portrays a character’s psyche, but everything is ultimately filtered through one’s own prism. We all – actors, casting directors, producers and directors – come from a particular vantage point and bring our own unique life experience […]

7 Rules for Following Up With Casting Directors by Brette Goldstein

You’ve auditioned for a casting director. You received a good response. Now what? Here are some do’s and don’ts on following up: 1. Send a thank you note. If it’s an email or a card, a short and sweet message of gratitude is always nice to receive. I am still a sucker for handwritten cards. […]

Common Missteps for On Camera Auditions by Marci Phillips

Although I firmly believe that a solid actor can transcend all mediums, there are usually specific expectations for an on-camera audition that a number of you can use some reminders on. Memorization is not so cut-and-dried in a theater audition, but I’m a huge advocate for it in on-camera auditions. First and foremost, it frees […]

Set Realistic Expectations For Booking Commercials

By Dallas Travers When you first sign with a new commercial agent, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling anxious about your booking ratio.  Fears around having to “book right away or get dropped” are often present, and those fears can actually keep you from doing your best work in the audition room. […]

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Lessons From Your Survival Job

One of the great things about being an actor is that everything that happens in your life can help to serve your craft. It’s my belief that virtually anything that is executed with intelligence, creativity, ethics, care and love can be considered an Art. Some people believe that you can’t call yourself an Artist if […]

So You Want to Be a Voice Actor by Jen Rudin

So you’ve taken a New York voice over class. Now how do you turn your new voice skills into a real career? Let’s get real: what actor doesn’t dream of a voiceover career? Perhaps you’ve been told over the years by random strangers in passing (i.e. not just your mom) that you have a super […]

Jen Rudin Spills the Secrets of Auditioning in ‘Confessions of a Casting Director’

Jen Rudin is an award-winning New York Casting Director. We asked her for history, tips, and tricks of the auditioning process. You started with acting, but stuck with casting instead; what is your favorite part of New York casting? It’s fun when you get to hire somebody for a role, especially if it’s someone that […]

How To Deal With the Industry Being Unfair by Marci Phillips

Marci Phillips, the Executive Director of ABC Casting, discusses how to pursue a career acting in New York City without breaking your heart. Our lives can usually best be seen through the rear-view mirror. We rarely look at all the positive things that we have here and now because we’re too busy obsessing about the things […]

3 Business Tips for Actors Who are Ready to Create Their Own Work by Jenn Lederer

Jenn Lederer is an accredited talent manager and President/co-owner and talent manager of Merging Artists Management. Since technology has made it easier for performers to create and produce their own work, we asked her for tips on how actors can use this trend to increase their opportunities to perform in NYC. I’ve been seeing a […]