Clean Up, Clear Out, Get Creative (Part Three)

In order to create, we all need three specific areas of support.  We need people, systems, and environments to support what we’re creating. I was at the conference in November, and I saw billionaire entrepreneur Barbara Corcoran speak. Her key piece of advice was to create a system for anything and everything you do more than once. Most of you already have systems in place and you just don’t know it, so think about something you do on a regular basis for your acting career.  I want you to then break that action down into small steps so that you can identify your system.  Once you know your system, streamline it; make it a little easier to follow.

We must have an environment that supports us.  I wrote the majority of my book at the Santa Monica Public Library because I was surrounded by people who were quietly working and free of distractions. So when it comes to your environment, do you have a clean, orderly space?  Is there a specific place in your home dedicated for your acting career? Are you aware of when you’re at your best? Are there certain colors that you respond well to, certain foods or scents that really speak to you?  Be sure that those items are in your work environment.  This will support your mental health, but it will also make you more productive.

Lastly, we need people to support us.  It’s been said that every top peak performer has six key people on their team.  Six key people, and it doesn’t matter who’s on your team; they don’t all have to be industry experts.  You could have a best friend or partner who’s really supportive.  Just really pay attention to who you’re spending time with and make sure that those people are supportive and reflective of where it is you want to take your career.  Now, if they’re not, I’m suggesting not suggesting ending friendships, but it’s time to now reach out and bring more people into your circle.  Maybe step out of your comfort zone and start surrounding yourself with people who know more than you do and who are more successful than you are.  This is how you get where it is you want to go.

Now take a look back at those goals that you identified in the beginning of this process and take some time to draw out a specific plan of action.  What resources do you need in order to accomplish the goals that you’ve identified?  What might be in your way and how can you overcome those obstacles?

I encourage every one of you to take some time to clean up behaviors or patterns that aren’t in line with where you want to go.  Where in your life can you get complete and what will completion of afford you?  From there, it’s time to build on your successes and create what’s next.  You can do this easily by relying on your values and making decisions from that place.

Respected as one of the entertainment industry’s leading experts, Dallas Travers’ book, The Tao of Show Business, has won over five awards including first prizes at The Hollywood Book Festival and the London Festival along with the National Indie Excellence Award. She has helped thousands of actors to increase their auditions, produce their own projects, secure representation and book roles in film and television. Click here to learn more about Dallas.


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